Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wednesday: The Cell


Continuing my week in review, on Wednesday of last week, I had to obtain a new phone. I truly have no idea how to explain what happened. I don't want to blame Rain unjustly, but the evidence provides no other culprit.

Several months ago, my cell phone became worthless. The battery kept dying no matter how long I recharged it. Two weeks ago, I decided enough was enough. I bought a snazzy red phone that could play MP3s. Toss in the earpiece and leather case, and I totally looked like a busy ... mom. But a busy, chic mom.

Since then, I spent every day packing up our apartment. I tossed stuff in boxes and bags, all while little Rain played among the wreckage.

Last week, I went to my sister's house to babysit her kids. Tim called to check up on me, and a few hours later, he came to pick me & Rain up. He put Rain in the car, and just then I remembered I had forgotten my phone. I went back in to look for it, but couldn't find it. I had my sister dial my number from her phone, but I couldn't hear my phone ring. I thought it was odd, but decided I would return later to hunt for it.

I will save you the pitiful tale of how I returned later, and though I looked EVERYWHERE (yes, I searched in between seat cushions), I couldn't find my phone. My sister & brother-in-law searched as well, and it is almost ridiculous to say this, but the phone disappeared. I turned that place upside down & shook it, and still found nothing. I, very seriously, couldn't believe it. By the time I had searched the place twice, I was almost laughing. I eventually gave in, and I reconnected another old phone we happened to still have.

It's now a joke. When I see my sister, I ask, "So ... did you find my phone yet?" We both know it's gone forever, though we may never know how. There is one clue, however.

If you watch Rain play for a while, periodically you will see her do something she's seen Mommy do many, many times in the last few weeks. She will pick up an object, and carefully deposit it in an open box or bag.

My brother-in-law had thrown the trash out the day I lost my phone.

Somewhere, an employee at the city dump is holding a red, very chic phone and shaking his head at the perfectly fine things crazy people throw away. If you know the guy, tell him I have the matching earpiece, if he's interested.

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