Friday, November 16, 2007


So, you think I went on vacation did ya? Thought I was out having oodles of fun and neglecting my updates, eh? Nay, I say, nay! I've just been weathering some changes, that's all. I've had no recognizable schedule for the past 2 weeks (and if you have to ask why, you're probably not at fault, so no worries) for reasons I'll explain another time. Now, onto the latest about Rainbow ...

Well, as you can see from the photo, Rain has chosen her best friend forever. Remember the days when Rain only had eyes for me? I don't, either. She's Tim's lady now. I can tell the way they giggle together as he gives her a bath. They laugh and chat, and I walk in to bring Rain's towel, and she looks at me like, "Did anyone call you, Milkmaid? Be gone!" Every morning/afternoon, Rain cries for me to feed her every time she has a whim for a snack. If Tim watches her, and I call to check up on them, he'll say, "We haven't used a bottle yet. She's happy and playing." *Stab in heart*

I have a theme song I sing when they are together: "Me and my dad ... AND NOBODY ELSE!" It's catchy, trust me. The other day, Rain cried for 45 minutes. She got into this hysterical rhythm that I haven't heard since she was 2 months old. The second, and I mean, the second Tim walked in, silence. She smiled and was like, "Carry me away, Father, from this treacherous caretaker." Tim picked her up, and they walked away, peacefully into the sunset ... or well-lit kitchen, can't quite recall.


Gina said...

HA! Well, think of it this way: at least she is way ahead of herself. Usually the girls don't go after their fathers until about 3 or 4 years old. Case in point: Reeny.

Me: "Hey sweety, daddy is gonna meet us at Macaroni Grill. Go get your shoes, please."

Her: "Okay, but you need to stay here and drop me off with daddy."

Me: "Huh? Why? You don't want me to go with you?" (me obviously in shock)

Her: "No, 'cuz daddy I love daddy more.. because he gives me big ice creams and you give me only little ones."

(*Side note: I actually give her a serving size, not a ridiculous amount like her daddy.. hmph.)

Moral of the story: a daddy will eventually win over their daughters' heart, so feel the sting and lick yer wounds! Besides, when has a mother ever been noticed for the work she does? ;)

lgmaakes said...

Preach it!