Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ain't You a Little Young?

*I'll continue with our road trip next time. Need to vent first*

What is going on with Rain? Today she pulled 2 stunts (both of which she's done 5 or 6 times already) that make me feel that's she's got a bit too much 'tude for someone with no personal income.

The first thing happens when she's put contraband in her mouth. Every parent has dealt with this: there is baby on the floor, happily chewing away when you know you haven't given her anything to eat.

"Rainbow, are you eating something?"

(Immediately stops chewing. Staring contest ensues. Baby accidentally chews.)

"Ha! Give it to me!" I say, and immediately transform my finger into a fishing hook.

The first 2-3 times this happened, Rain would take off. I'd have to catch her and dig out the offending item. Then Rain would wail over the confiscated piece of paper, string, or crayon chunk.

Now, it goes like this:

"Rain, give it now!" (Looming ever closer with hooked finger)

"Pthhhhhhh!" Rain says, and spits out the object (some people call this a raspberry) in a long-distance arc. She gives a look like, "You want it? Fetch!" and crawls off all smug.

Oh no, you di'nt! The first time she did this, I was shocked. The second time, I had my hands on my hips.

The second questionable action she's repeated lately is this: when she gets mad at me, she throws herself face down on the floor, stretches out her arms in front of her in a "How could you do this to me?" pose, and won't move. It's a Grade A, toddler-size fit.

I laughed the first time she did it, because I was sure I was misinterpreting the whole event. Now that she's done it 6 times, the joke's on me.

But, I have to ask: isn't she a bit young for all this behaviour?

Either way, fear not. If Rain thinks her sassy diaper is going to put her mama in check, well, then she is a little young then, isn't she?

1 comment:

Gina said...

Tears, I tell you, tears! I'm laughing tears!!