Saturday, October 27, 2007

The BMOY Awards

Have you heard of the BMOY awards? It's not as flashy as a Grammy or coveted like an Oscar, but it's noteworthy all the same. The award committee is very selective, but as luck would have it, I'm this year's BMOY winner.

To win the award, you have to be exceptionally picky about what you listen to. I won by doing just that. No matter how many articles, books, and Internet guidelines I read, I chose not to listen to how quickly a baby can go from slight movements to full body swings in a day.

Rain fell off the bed.

Congratulations to the newest Bad Mommy of the Year. (*bitter wail*)


Gina said...

"Be careful liza! i love you so much! and i want to play Wii with you. Umm, someone said that Rain fell off the bed.. that was funny.. what are you doing? That was funny! Come to my house." -Reeny

Oh no! Im so sorry to hear that little rainbow fell off the bed!!! Reeny fell off when she was almost 6 months old. I thought I was going to die. I totally know how you feel. She looked ok today, how did the whole event go down? I won my award when I talked to Hai over the phone and didn't realize that Reeny had flipped over 4 times in a row in order to hit the floor. It freaked me out... I'm so sorry to hear that it happened to you too.

lgmaakes said...

I trust NOTHING now. Maybe I should just rope pillows around her? Kind of a bale of baby?