Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Funny, I Don't Remember Dating Harrison Ford ...

Have you ever seen somebody in a movie and thought, "Now where have I seen him before?" For stubborn types like myself, that distracting thought will remain until the mystery is solved. I can't get lost in the movie until I figure out what other role the actor has played, even if it was a minor one.

I've had the same experience with Rain. She smiles a certain way, sort of this wry smile, as if she's only somewhat humored with the situation at hand. I had seen the exact same smile before, but where? Weeks passed. One day, my sister came for a visit, looked at Rain, and said, "You know, Rain smiles just like ______."

She nailed it! Although I wish I had a better picture as proof, I now present to you ....



Danielle said...

So what you're saying is... you only married Tim for his Indiana Jones good looks!

lgmaakes said...

You betcha!

Gina said...

HA! You got to lvoe that smile -- it's too adorable!

Gina said...

Bleh.. I meant "love"

Anyway, she's too cute - you lucked out on the Indiana Jones thing ;)